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Choose Redwood for Your Sandblasted Dimensional Sign If...
You need a wooden sign with a more noticeable grain structure.
Cedar or Redwood - the age old debate among sign aficianados and producers. If you're looking for a more conspicuous, wooden grain pattern in your sandblasted wooden sign, Redwood is the clear winner.
You need a wooden sign the termites won't touch.
If you live in a region with lots of wood-eating pests, Redwood is a great option given that many wood-eating insects avoid this excellent wood.
Reasons to Choose Redwood for Your Sandblasted Sign
Redwood has more noticeable grain structure than Cedar.
Redwood can be stained to the color of your choosing.
This wood is less likely to rot or warp than other types of wood.
Many wood-eating insects, like termites, actually avoid Redwood.
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When the sun starts frying
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